US Constitution 6 Guiding Principles

1. Popular Sovereignty

Popular sovereignty Means the people are the source of the governments power. The people are in control of what the government can do. it is based around the people of a country. A common phrase is "we the people".

2. Separation of Powers

Separation of Powers is power that is divided into three different branches. One branch is The Legislative branch, another is the executive branch and last is the Judicial Branch. Legislature branch makes the laws. the Executive Branch carries out and enforces laws. Finally Judicial Branch decides if laws violate the Constitution.

3. Representative Government

huesRepresentative Government Is when the citizens elect representatives such as the President, House of Representatives, and the senate to make the laws. The people elect the president every 4 years, and house of representatives every two years.

4. Federalism

Federalism divides the power between the states and the federal government. Both states and the federal government have powers. One power that the federal government has is that it can print money but it can not create state taxes.

5. Limited Government

Limited government only has the power of that the constitution gives it. the law comes before the government leaders. No one person can quarter any house which is stated in the Third Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

6. Checks and Balances

In Checks and balances each branch of government can limit the power of the other two branches. The House of Representatives can impeach the President. The congress can enact laws and the President can veto them.


Created with images by Beverly & Pack - "Public Domain, American Flag, Old Glory, Red White Blue, Stars & Stripes, The Star Spangled Banner"

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