Pride & Prejudice A love story with a battle

Class conscious mother - wants her daughters to marry well - that is - to marry money!

Our main characters meet

All does not go well - the insults go back and forth over a period of time

He eventually proposes - again by his haughty tone insults our heroine - she refuses him (the agony continues ...)

The agony of struggling with your own ego

But, our hero still intrigues our heroine - she remains perplexed for quite a while

Will they ever see eye to eye

Our hero ensures that the heroine's family members have a happy ending - sisters to marry well - good news under trying circumstances

On occasion, the heroine's very silly sisters did not help matters

Like all good love stories, the hero and heroine find each other - Elizabeth agrees to marry Darcy

She also gets a really great house to live in

And so ends the tumultuous struggle between Elizabeth & Mr Darcy - a truly epic love story

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