
Digital Literacy across the Military Academy Curriculum Professor Todd Taylor, UNC Chapel Hill


2009 -- 2016: Resource Desert
Spring 2016: It takes a roadtrip
Fall 2016: Resource Orchard
UNC Digital Literacy Team and Program Recipe
creativity + engagement + literacy = Student Experience

"For the 25" is a documentary film made by Logan Stark and a team of filmmakers working with Professor Halbritter at Michigan State University. The film has nearly 2 million views on YouTube.

"Our Lives Together" is a documentary short film made by Carrie Lewis, who had never made a film before this class. The film tells the story of a family's poignant struggle with Alzheimer's disease through the words of loving, faithful wife and her thoughtful, caring son.

In what kinds of courses/departments might "Our Lives Together" belong?

From a Student Experience perspective, how might an assignment like "Our Lives Together" compare with a conventional research paper on such a topic?

From a Faculty perspective, how might an assignment like "Our Lives Together" compare with a conventional research paper on such a topic?

Sarah Oeschle Portfolio

Omni-Literate Students

Critical Literacy = From Knowledge Consumers to Knowledge Producers

Critical Digital Literacy = From Media/Information Consumers to Media/Information Producers

Adobe Creative Cloud is not just merely aesthetic; it's epistemological.

Adobe Creative Cloud is not just surface, it's substance.

1) Early success and retention

a manifold to the undergraduate curriculum

2) Success across the curriculum and time-to-degree through transformative, high-impact, experiential learning

Watch One -- Do One -- Teach One

Adobe Creative Cloud is a Virtual Maker Space that travels with students where they live and work through their mobile devices.

Rebecca Atkinson https://www.behance.net/gallery/16086309/Z-Track-Procedure


3) Success on the job market: Professional, Technical, and Scientific Communication

producing work that demonstrates capabilities

4) Success as life-long learners

"I thought of you because I am now in charge of my division's blog; I just utilized some HTML code that you taught me during my freshman year [2000]! When I reflect back on how I have used the skills you taught in that class, I am amazed by what a positive impact you've had on my life. By using multimedia, you helped me understand the importance of strong communication skills as well as given me unique skills [that others in my profession do not have]."

Sep - Nov 2016 Launch

Flattening the Learning Curve

Adobe Creative Cloud apps, menus, and interfaces are increasingly simple, intuitive, and powerful.

The students are increasingly digital native.

Instructional and IT support staff are increasingly adept and experienced.

New-gen faculty are increasingly innovative.

Faculty Development and Support

free online textbook

Free Online Textbook: Adobe Creative Cloud Across the Curriculum


Todd Taylor Online Portfolio and this Presentation


Adobe Education Exchange "Turn-key" Teaching Modules


Created By
Todd Taylor


Created with images by nike159 - "deadvlei namibia africa desert drought tree dead" • Skitterphoto - "van vw travel" • Skitterphoto - "apple tree garden green fruit season summer" • mp1746 - "apple pie dining food sweet baker taste" • Art Poskanzer - "heating manifold" • skeeze - "discovery space shuttle launch mission astronauts liftoff"

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