
德国未来政治领导人的反共表态 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:politico《政治家》;作者: MATTHEW KARNITSCHNIG;发布时间:September 28, 2020 / 2020年9月28日

翻译:Victory;简评:城堡;校对/审核:海阔天空 ;Page:拱卒






Q&A: German leadership candidate Norbert Röttgen


Bundestag’s foreign affairs chief on China, 5G and transatlantic relations.


Norbert Röttgen | Maja Hitij/Getty Images 诺伯特 | Maja Hitij 摄影/ 盖蒂图片

As part of a series on the race to succeed Angela Merkel as German chancellor, POLITICO's Chief Europe Correspondent Matthew Karnitschnig spoke to Norbert Röttgen, chairman of the Bundestag’s foreign affairs committee. Röttgen is one of three candidates in the running to take over the leadership of the governing center-right Christian Democrats (CDU).

作为有关接任安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)的下一任德国总理大选系列报道的一部分, POLITICO首席欧洲记者卡尼辛内基(Matthew Karnitschnig)对话诺伯特·罗特根,德国联邦议院外交事务委员会主席。罗特根是角逐右翼执政党基督教民主联盟(CDU)领导权的三位候选人之一。

The following is a transcript of the interview, lightly edited for length and clarity. 以下是采访文字记录,为篇幅和明晰稍作编辑。

China 关于中共国

POLITICO: How do you view Europe’s relationship with China? Is there any chance we could see the investment agreement that has been under negotiation anytime soon?

POLITICO: 您如何看待欧洲与中共国的关系?我们在近期内是否可能达成正在谈判的投资协议?

RÖTTGEN: The EU has a clear position here: We insist that China opens itself to European companies in a manner comparable to how Chinese companies are treated in the EU. That means not just fair access to the market, but also the freedom to make business decisions without being forced to transfer technology or to partner with Chinese companies. China considers the status quo preferable to making concessions here or on other fronts, which is why the negotiations have not succeeded over the past seven years.

罗特根: 欧盟在这方面立场很明确:我们坚持,中共国对欧洲企业的开放程度应与中共国企业在欧盟受到的待遇相当。这不仅意味着公平的市场准入,还意味着在不被迫转让技术,或被迫与中共国企业合作的情况下自由地做出商业决策。中共国更乐意维持现状而不想在一些方面做出让步,这就是谈判在过去7年未能成功的原因。

POLITICO: Does that mean you support Europe’s current course?

POLITICO: 这是否意味着你支持欧洲当前的路线。

RÖTTGEN: Yes, the European position to demand reciprocity is the right one. We can see here that in areas where the EU is truly united, it also has power and global strength. When it comes to trade policy, we are a global power.


POLITICO: And yet, the relationship to China remains difficult …

POLITICO: 然而,与中共国的关系仍然困难重重...

RÖTTGEN: Generally speaking, the relationship with China is in flux. It has become increasingly clear that the direction things go will be determined by the fact that China is more than just a big market. Under Xi, the country has transformed into a very important geostrategic actor. That has forced a reassessment which, in Germany in particular, has yet to be completed. It is a reaction to the fundamental change in Chinese politics and China’s new self-confidence under Xi Jinping.


POLITICO: Don’t you think we in the West were a bit naive about China? European industry has been warning about intellectual property theft and complaining about business conditions in China for the better part of 20 years.

POLITICO: 你不觉得我们西方人对中共国有些天真吗?在过去20年大部分时间里,欧洲行业一直对知识产权盗窃发出警告,并抱怨中共国的商业环境。

RÖTTGEN: That’s true, but in the last one or two years, a new realism has emerged. This is a course we have to continue to pursue. It’s still not too late.


POLITICO: What has changed?


RÖTTGEN: The situation today is different in two aspects. For a long time, German industry’s view was: No matter how bad we are treated, we still have to remain in China because the market is so big. While no one said this out loud, the Chinese knew it was the case, which had a predictably negative effect on any negotiating position.


POLITICO: And the second difference?

POLITICO: 第二个变化呢?

RÖTTGEN: Twenty years ago, China’s image of itself was much different. It saw itself as a developing country. The focus was on its own development and there wasn’t a sense that they needed to devote resources to international policy. This has also changed under Xi. China is now pursuing a self-confident, expansive foreign policy.

罗特根: 20年前,中共国对自己的认知与现在大不相同。它曾认为自己是一个发展中国家。他们关注的是自身发展,没有意识到他们需要为国际政策投入资源。这在习近平的领导下也发生了变化。中共国现在正在奉行一种自信的、扩张性的外交政策。

POLITICO: In what way?

POLITICO: 以哪种方式?

RÖTTGEN: China’s new confidence can be seen in the Belt and Road initiative, in the territorial claims in the South China Sea, and more recently in the way it acted during the pandemic. China’s clear expectation was that other countries would accept the Chinese coronavirus narrative and also make public displays of gratitude for Chinese support.


POLITICO: What should Europe do now?

POLITICO: 现在欧洲该怎么做?

RÖTTGEN: The key point is that it’s not yet too late to respond to these changes. But the window is closing. That’s why we Europeans must come to a common position on China. Our approach should be one of realism, not enmity.


POLITICO: Speaking of the South China Sea, there has been some consideration in Berlin over whether to dispatch the German Navy in that direction, to send a signal. Do you support that?

POLITICO: 谈到南中国海,柏林方面一直在考虑是否向南中国海派遣德国海军,以发出一个信号。你支持这一观点吗?

RÖTTGEN: Freedom of the seas is a fundamental principle of international law that is of great importance to us as an export nation. We should be ready to do something for that. At the same time, I think that from a German perspective, considering our capabilities at the moment, there are more urgent needs elsewhere. Our top priority should be to develop an all-encompassing European strategy on China, and here Germany plays a key role.

罗特根: 海洋自由是国际法的一项基本原则,这对我们这个出口国具有重大意义。我们应该准备为此做点什么。与此同时,我认为从德国的角度来看,考虑到我们目前的能力,其他地方有更迫切的需求。我们的首要任务应该是制定全面的对中共国的欧洲战略,德国在这方面发挥着关键作用。

POLITICO: You’re considered to be a transatlanticist. Don’t you want to cooperate more closely with the U.S. on China?

POLITICO: 人们认为你是个跨大西洋主义者。难道你不想在中共国问题上和美国更紧密地合作吗?

RÖTTGEN: As soon as Washington returns to rational policies, also vis-à-vis China, I will be for a transatlantic China policy.


5G and Huawei 5G和华为

POLITICO: What does that mean for the current debate over 5G and Huawei?

POLITICO: 这对于当前围绕5G和华为的争论又意味着什么?

RÖTTGEN: In the 5G debate, we need to come to a decision soon. My position is clear: It is in our interest to have a European technology that we can also use for industry and that will at the same time guarantee our digital sovereignty and national security. We must not allow ourselves to become dependent and then susceptible to blackmail. In my view, the 5G decision is of critical strategic importance and perfectly suited as an entry point toward a common European China policy.


POLITICO: What do you think of the German government’s approach?

POLITICO: 您如何看待德国政府的做法?

RÖTTGEN: Over the past year, we’ve engaged in an intensive debate in Germany, the result of which has been that we haven’t taken any wrong decisions. It would now be desirable to make a right decision as soon as possible, one that is driven by the goal of expanding German and European digital sovereignty. I am optimistic.


POLITICO: The U.S. made its decision a long time ago. Why does Germany need so much time?

POLITICO: 美国很早就做出了决定。为什么德国需要这么长时间?

RÖTTGEN: Because Germany has different interests to consider. But the debate here has moved over the past year. At the beginning, there was no question for the German government that Chinese companies should be involved. Now we’re at a point where a company’s participation has become a question of trust. That will be determined according to how much influence a foreign state has on the company.


POLITICO: Donald Trump’s treatment of Germany would appear to have complicated the transatlantic relationship. What do you expect from Joe Biden if he wins?

POLITICO: 川普对德国的态度似乎使跨大西洋两岸的关系复杂化了。如果乔·拜登获胜,你对他有什么期待?

RÖTTGEN: Unfortunately, the position of the American administration on all these issues — defense spending, Nord Stream, Huawei — has been counterproductive. Iran is another example. Should Joe Biden win, I would expect his government to return to a partnership based on rational thinking and cooperation.


Transatlantic relations 跨大西洋关系

POLITICO: How do you define “partnership?”


RÖTTGEN: My expectation is that we Europeans will be asked to do a lot more. If there is a change in the White House, we need to be ready to shape the transatlantic relationship by making a substantial contribution. On the American side, I would expect a return to rationality, cooperation and multilateralism. Maybe we’ll receive a new invitation for a “partnership in leadership.” This time, we should take it.


POLITICO: So you’re expecting a full reversal in American foreign policy?

POLITICO: 所以你期待着美国外交政策的彻底逆转?

RÖTTGEN: No, not at all. The foreign policy priority will be on China, in particular, and on the Indo-Pacific region, more generally. The conclusion will be that a cooperation with the Europeans is more urgent than ever. As such, a new American administration will understand that the goal shouldn’t be to force American positions on Germans and Europeans, but rather to find a new division of labor. Both sides need to contribute.


POLITICO: Does NATO have a future if Trump is reelected?

POLITICO: 如果川普再次当选,北约还有未来吗?

RÖTTGEN: If he’s reelected, we’re going to see an acceleration of what we’ve experienced over the past four years. First and foremost, that’s true for the U.S. itself and the internal divisions and aggression in the country. As a result, the U.S. would see its ability to take international leadership erode further. A country that is internally divided and full of acrimony will at some point lose the ability to shape foreign affairs. So we’d see the American retreat from international politics continue, creating a vacuum that others would be more than happy to fill.


POLITICO: Why should the U.S. continue to guarantee Europe’s security 30 years after the end of the Cold War? Europe is both rich and strong enough, right?

POLITICO: 冷战结束30年后,美国为什么还要继续保障欧洲的安全?欧洲已经足够富裕和强大了,对吗?

RÖTTGEN: Fundamentally, that’s true, especially from an American perspective. But something like this takes time. The ability to shape the international order is based on much more than just money. But we as Europeans can’t avoid taking responsibility for our own security forever.


POLITICO: Do you understand the American frustration with Germany’s failure to assume more responsibility? Or is that an exaggeration?

POLITICO: 你理解美国对德国未能承担更多责任的失望吗?或者这是一种夸大其词?

RÖTTGEN: Barack Obama also had that frustration. But the current American administration is driven by a logic of punishment whenever others do not abide. It isn’t possible to build a partnership on this basis. What’s more, this approach comes with damaging consequences, more so for the U.S. than for Germany. It’s difficult to work with that kind of irrationality.


POLITICO: Your party is considered to be conservative. Even so, you and a great number of your fellow Christian Democrats support a Democrat in the U.S. presidential election. Why?

POLITICO: 你们的政党被认为是偏保守的。即便如此,你和你们许多基督教民主联盟的人在美国总统选举中支持一位民主党人。为什么?

RÖTTGEN: Traditionally, the CDU’s relationship to the Republicans was stronger. Historically speaking, the Republicans were much more engaged in international affairs during the postwar period. The relationship reached a high point with the older George Bush during reunification. What we’ve been forced to witness more recently is the hostile takeover of the Republican Party by Donald Trump.


POLITICO: Don’t you think it could become difficult for Germany in the long term if the country can only work with one of the two dominant American parties?

POLITICO: 难道你不认为,如果只能与美国两个主要政党中的一个合作,从长远来看对德国来说会很艰难吗?

RÖTTGEN: If there’s a change in the White House, there will have to be a process of reflection in the Republican Party about the past four years. The Republicans are going to have to reposition themselves. In the future, we will see different faces.


The interview took place in Berlin on September 15.


编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】