Fuller Thicker Lips Naturally Alwaysthinkpink.com

Fuller Lips

You don't need plastic surgery in order to have Fuller lips. There are natural Ways, easy ways, to do this yourself to make them appear fuller and Thicker..


1. Honey - Just rub your lips with honey before bedtime. Not only does honey make your lips feel and look fuller but it also gets rid of dry/ chapped or dead skin from your lips making your lips appear brighter.

Peppermint oil

2. Peppermint oil is an oil that has antimicrobial properties that Soothes digestive issues and helps with bad breath. It is also known to increase lip fullness and make your lips brighter. You can directly apply the peppermint oil right onto your lips or mix the peppermint oil with your favorite chapstick or lipgloss.

Cinnamon oil/ sticks

3. Cinnamon oil or Powder - add a mixture of cinnamon oil or Powder together with olive oil. Apply mixture on your lips . It will leave your lips feeling tender, soft and full. Leave it on your lips for 5 to 10 minutes then rinse before applying lipstick or lip gloss.

Cayenne pepper and olive oil

Cayenne pepper is rich in vitamin E and is known to stimulate blood flow. Make a paste with olive oil and apply to lips. Leave past on for at least 5 minutes before rinsing. Rinse off before applying your favorite lipstick or lipgloss.

Lip exercises

Lip excersises

Whistle, smile and kiss are three exercises you should practice gaily to make your lips appear healthy and full

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