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Never let people hurt your fellins through the internet . In this we will walk you through what to do online .

You should always set your account on private when online so that the people who you don't know don't see your face.

Don't answer numbers that you are unfamiliar with because this could put your life a risk and you should always tell your parents and they can sort it out

When ever you see a bad picture or message always show your parents or the police.

Don't let children play on this because it has got vilents and it has bad language also it has an 18 rating for a reason.

Call of duty is a bad for 10year olds,you have to be 18 or over the age of 18 but it is vilent and it as very bad language for the child using it

You should not be a victim online to over people and treat other people online like they would treat you and if somebody is being nasty to you go and so a adult and then they can go and deal with the person and don't be trapped in the river of cat phishing
You shouldn't let your children on this because it is vilent and it contains bad language and you could be online and you might have to put a phone number or email address and if you put it in you could be in danger. This game is rated an18
This is an 18 game it has a lot of swear words and when you go online and some body invites you to talk to them and if they say we're do you live you don't tell them were you live but If you do you could get robbed in the night when you are sleeping and this game is not for 8year olds you have to be 18 or over 18 but when children see it and they say can I get this game plz you say no because it has a lot of vilents


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