Section One: About Me

Philosophy on Education

My name is Danielle Sellers and I am majoring in Early Childhood Education. I have many goals that I would like to achieve once I become a teacher but one of the most important goals I have is, making sure that my students have a sense of accomplishment after leaving my class. I want them to feel like I truly care about them. I believe I have the philosophy of behaviorism. I think it is very important that students know how to behave while in a classroom and in real-life situations.

The Importance of a Philosophy

Every teacher has a philosophy whether they realize it or not. If a person is unsure of their philosophy, it is very important to find his/her philosophy. It is so important because when someone has a philosophy it makes it much easier to teach while staying true to his/hers own true beliefs. I will take my philosophy on education and implicate it in my classroom to the best of my abilities. There is nothing I would love more than for my students to walk out of my classroom feeling like they have truly learned something and feel cared about.

Philosophy on Educational Technology

Whether teachers like it or not, technology is becoming a very important part in classrooms. That is why teachers need to become very efficient with being able to use technology in their classroom. While I have been observing different classrooms I have seen where the teachers have access to different technologies but do not put them to use. This can be because they simply do not want to, they do not know how to incorporate it in their lesson plans, or they are not comfortable using it. Teachers really need to see the importance of using technology in their classrooms. Students who learn how to use technology efficiently will see huge befits throughout there whole life.

Section Two

A. Evidence of ISTE standards for teacher standard one: facilitate and inspire learning & creativity


By showing this to my students, I can show them how you can use different apps and products to creatively do things. It will also help develop the students imagination and critical thinking skills.

b. Evidence of iste standards for teacher standard two: design and develop digital age learning EXPERIENCES & assesments


This lesson plan allowed me to have the whole day planned out. This will help the class time go by more smoothly. There is also an assessment that can be done online using google forms. Google forms are great for assessments because you can create all kinds of stuff no matter the age group. It is a very useful tool that teachers should know about.

C. Evidence of ISTE standards for teacher standards three: Model digital age work & learning


This newsletter allows students to see some of the important rules that go with using technology and the internet. If someone is not aware that there are certain guidelines used for the internet, they can get themselves into some serious trouble. One of the downs fall of the internet is cyberbully. There is also information in the newsletter to give tips to students if they find themselves in a similar situation

d. Evidence of iste standards for teacher standard four: Promote & model digital citizenship & learning

You can go here to watch different breakout videos.

our class trying to figure out one of the hints.
We successfully beat the game!


This breakout game is a perfect way to incorporate technology in the class room. Not only is it educational, the students also have to use various technologies to figure out how to unlock the locks. It does a great job at getting the students attention and they are more than willing to participate. This game is also great for teaching teamwork, critical thinking, and using your imagination. You can see what other teachers have used in their class or you can create your very own game.

E. evidenced of iste standards for teacher standards five: engage in professional growth & leadership


This may seem a little difficult but I think it is a great thing to do. It really helps you see how you can use many different google apps in your classroom. It will also build teachers confidence in knowing how to use these product effectively.


Created with images by umezy12 - "Classroom" • kyasarin - "blackboard writing chalk"

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