B Brewer art 1 portfolio

Examples of ways to combine Elements and Principles Card 1: Line & Rhythm Card 2: Shape & Movement Card 3: Form & Proportion Card 4: Color & Unity Card 5: Space & Balance Card 6: Texture & Repetition Card 7: Value & Pattern Card 8: Variety Card 9: Emphasis
During this assignment i learned about the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design. I used a lot of color while still managing to keep a theme color which in turn helps add value to the paintings. There is a lot of space in my paintings which help drawing attention to certain paintings, and also take away attention from other paintings.
My favorite card was the space and balance card. I liked this card more because it is the card that gave me the idea for the theme of all my other cards, tape-resist and a dark, navy blue color. At first i started off with just the tape-resist and blue and added details as i went helping it become my space and balance card. I learned that Space and Balance is the balancing a photo, not by adding the same thing on each side, but by adding something equally attention seeking and putting them on each side.

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