French Revolution, the right solution September 2, 1789

The iconic prison Bastille where it signified the start of the French Revolution
The French Revolution was an ideal event that marked the end for social and justice inequalities in French Society. It showed how the people of France, mostly the 3rd estate, wanted a change in how the justice and tax system were being displayed.
Guillotine at use
The justice system in France back in the 1700s were gruesome. They used a device known as the "Guillotine" that chops people's heads off. These devices were mostly aimed at the 3rd estate which were made up of doctors and workers. In this picture, you can see the French citizens holding a stick with a head in it. This was during the French Revolution, and the person that they beheaded was Queen Marie Antoinette of France.
Queen Marie Antoinette of France
The tax system in France during the 1700s were mostly aimed at the inner poorer side. The 3rd estate which was the poorest, were taxed the most with 50% of their income being taken from them. While they were being taxed, the other two estates which were the richest barely got taxed at all.
The 1st and 2nd estates riding on top of the 3rd estate
Napoleon Bonaparte was a smart military leader that gained his ranks during the French Revolution. Becoming a general at only 24, he supported the Revolution in many ways and did the unthinkable that had revolutionary outcomes. In 1799, he led a coup d'etat that later crowned him Emperor of France, and that's where his militaristic career began.
After Napoleon was crowned Emperor of France, he worked hard on restoring France's economy after the revolutionary war. He created a better government, and a better education system. He also restored relations with the Roman Catholic Church. But aside that, Napoleon made France a strong empire and it goes to show how Napoleon changed the course of France. It took Russia, Austria, Prussia, and Great Britain to finally defeat Napoleon ending his career, and dying at the age of 51.
America supported France's revolution and showed interest in it. People like Thomas Jefferson thought that the French citizens symbolized freedom like the Americans did when they revolted against Britain. But Europe in the other hand showed no interest in France's Revolution because they wanted to spread their Revolution to other places, and they also declared war against Prussia with fear of them trying to invade.
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Edwin I

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