Why do trees develop to have different shapes of leaves and branches? By: Robby McDougal Period:5

Through my research I discovered that one of the main reasons that trees develop different shapes is to adapt to their surroundings. If they have other trees surrounding them, then the trees will grow taller to have better access to sunlight, but if the tree is by it self it will be more dome like to get as much sunlight as possible.
I also learned about why different leaves have different shapes, the reason why some trees have small and skinny leaves is because they live in a dry or cold area to reduce water evaporation through the trees. Also, trees with larger leaves typically live in an area with more water, so they don' t have to worry about losing the extra water.
Created By
Robby McDougal


Created with images by Florian Schwalsberger - "trees" • LoggaWiggler - "autumn leaf colorful" • Tony Austin - "Leaf" • Josch13 - "leaf leaves jack fruit leaf" • naydeeyah - "Leaf" • cluczkow - "leaves"

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