The Baby Plan courtney yarberry photography

a year long photo session package that captures life's most wondrous year



6 months (sitting stage)

one year


The baby plan includes 4 sessions.

The maternity session is optional and complimentary. The session is photographed about 1-2 months before the baby is due (around 32-36 weeks is ideal). the maternity session is optional, but is not interchangeable for other sessions

The newborn session is photographed within the first 2 weeks, and is photographed in the family's home.

The 6 month session is scheduled when the baby begins to sit unassisted

The one year session is photographed near the baby's first birthday.

Each session is a full session, and includes 30+ digital images with a print release. The plan is $600, split into 2 payments with optional add ons for 3 and 9 month sessions.

To schedule a baby plan, please contact me:

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