
Back on Track: The Revival of Mario Kart Malcolm Saas

That’s right, Mario Kart is back. Adults and young adults are playing it everywhere, at work, at home, at school, maybe even during a meeting. But what effect does this game have on the students and faculty members here at Worthington Kilbourne High School? I interviewed a few students and a teacher here at WKHS to see what they thought about this new trend. 9th Grader, Connor Asbury has played Mario Kart Tour since the release of the game last week. “I really like the bullet bill car because it looks like my friend patrick” he said. Connor is currently sitting at level 12 and pretty high up on the leaderboards.

Another student I interviewed was Trey Davis, a sophomore here at WKHS, says he plays “about 3 times a week”. “I really like finessing people with my shells” he said when asked what his favourite think about the game is. He is currently on level 7 and is working his way up on the leaderboards.

Finally, I interviewed a familiar face, Mr. Dickson, the drop in lab supervisor. He says he sees students playing this game a lot more than any other mobile game. “I think if they play in their free time, then it’s not a problem but during prep and all that stuff maybe is a problem” he said. Dickson also said he doesn’t think students should be banned from playing the game, “As long as it’s not during their classes”

It seems that teachers and students have two different POVs about this new game, what do you think about Mario Kart?

Created By
Malcolm Saas


Created with an image by Wells Baum - "For more: wellsbaum.blog"