Christmas Break By: kile ullman

People I seen over Break

I got to go see my Aunt, cousins, uncle, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. I got to spend time with my whole family. Until my cousins went to work. Plus I miss all my best friends. Me and my family went to my aunt's house.

How my Christmas went

My Christmas was awesome I woke up at 5:30 in the morning. Plus I stayed up till 2:00 am. I got more time to sleep and I got to relax a lot I didn't eat very much after Christmas dinner there was a lot to eat. I got to watch caption america civil war. I went to Walmart to get my brother's a present.

What I got for Christmas

What did I receive for Christmas is a Xbox 1s and I can downloaded games in you have a code or a pin for the game that way you do not have to pay money. I got a screw driver and it was the worst thing that I got.

How I feel coming back to school!

I felt so tired and I did not want to come back to school. Plus I want to go back home and go to bed. Plus I want Christmas dinner again be cause it was so much fun, I got to spend time with my family. When I got done opening presents My cousins had to go to work.


Created with images by MarkWallace - "The Boldricks' Christmas Tree"

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