Lindsay Maygra Digital photo 1 Period 6

This photo was taken in my free time. I had the camera almost flush with the tree. This photo includes Diagonals, Point of view, and Leading lines.

Orange Leaves

This photo was taken for the Eyes photo challenge, Here she is standing with half of her face hidden behind the pole and the other half visible.

This picture i took on my free time, I found a thicker flat branch and put the necklaces on it. This photo includes Diagonals, Contrast, and Rule of thirds.

This picture was taken earlier in the year when the sun was still shining, I will be honest I was just trying to take a picture of the tree but accidentally got the cloud, But the cloud made a nice contrast so it worked out.

This picture was taken for the diagonals Photo challenge. The rain was dripping off a spot on the roof so I decided to take advantage.

I make art because It gives me a voice to express myself. My grandma inspires me to make it because she was always happy for me when got a good picture and was always inspired by photography. For me art represents a new universe where you can do anything. Photography is unique because there isn't a "Normal" Picture because there all different. Lastly photography means a lot to me because I have so many opportunities to make art myself and other people enjoy.

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