A brief introduction to CaplorHorizons - The Forum

An interactive platform for sharing and learning

A place to communicate with others

Talk about things...

...and discuss ideas

And think differently

A place to discuss global challenges that will impact generations to come...

...and consider their cultural implications

An online resource that provides the tools to go out into the world and make a difference...

...whoever we are and whatever our role

Welcome to the Caplor Horizons Forum

Take a deeper dive into something new

Share our voyage...

...to inspire and enable leaders...

...and future leaders...

...to deliver a sustainable future

This is The Forum's Home Page

When you click on the 'Resources' Button...

Three folders will appear

Case Studies, Papers and Resources

By clicking on 'Case Studies'...

...a variety of Case Studies becomes available to either read or download...

...outlining our work with a number of clients

By clicking on 'Papers'...

...a range of Papers becomes available to either read or download...

...covering a wide spectrum of topics

And by clicking on 'Resources'...

...various Resource folders are shown that include everything relating to our organisation, The Caplor House, The Essentials Programme, The Caplor Learning Tree, etc., etc...

If you click on 'Caplor Horizons', for example...

...a whole range of organisational resources are shown in different folders

Everything from Graphical Models to our Impact Reports, Logos and other Brand Assets...

And all available to either view or download to use in your own presentations

By clicking on 'Caplor House'...

...all the Caplor House resources are shown, again logically sorted into appropriate folders...

...and all containing different resources from Caplor House graphics and icons...

...to detailed information about the Essentials Programme

For example, by clicking on 'Essentials'...

...all the 'Essentials Programme' resources are shown

Clicking on 'Overviews', for example...

...enables all the PDF overviews be either read or downloaded

So, clicking on the overview of the 'Essentials of Learning', for example...

...automatically loads the PDF viewer and opens the document, ready for reading or downloading

It's so simple, it's child's play!

So now you have a go!


Created with images by Goumbik - "plant nature leaf" • Jason Lander - "IMG_0730" • Pezibear - "children human girl" • Sponchia - "giraffes family education" • Mojpe - "teaching child world" • tpsdave - "afghanistan school classroom" • drkiranhania - "children boy girl" • Greg Walters - "Trent and Cambodian child" • StartupStockPhotos - "children win success" • sarangib - "diving children boys" • levaioan - "eye brown brown eyes" • Prashant_sh - "Smiling Children" • ann_jutatip - "child 3" • < J > - "Child"

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