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All About Eve

Have you seen this movie? It was playing at the Rave near Outer Loop and my mom wanted to go.

Karen and Morgan at the birthday party

There is a lot of drinking and smoking. It was especially annoying because they would take two or three drags and then abandon their cigarettes.

It is also not as demeaning to women as you would think a movie from this era would be. But then who is going to tell Bette Davis what her place is?

Strong and beautiful

It's about this young girl that manipulates a group of friends into helping her become a star of the stage. It is...annoying. You want to like Eve since she is young and beautiful and comes across as sincere. But instead you just want her gone.

Fasten your seatbelts...

This movie has motivated me to do three things

  • Loose enough weight to dress like any of these women
  • Find the vintage patterns
  • Convince my mother to make the patterns because my attention span is super short
Marilyn Monroe in her debut role that is said to have launched her career.

I can't decide if this made me want to smoke again or just annoyed me with their lazze faire attitude to cigarettes

Anne Baxter's smile is perfect!

the end

Created By
Rebecca Holder

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