

Welcome back to Anzac Park for Term 2. We hope everyone has had a safe and happy holiday break. The Year 1 teachers are looking forward to a wonderful term of learning, both on-site and from home.

Conceptual learning

The Big Question being explored across the school this term is, 'Why is it like this?'


Please see below the suggested curriculum time requirements for students in Year 1 (Stage 1) as stipulated by DoE NSW. Students in Year 1 should be engaging in approximately 2.5 hours of learning per day.

In alignment with the curriculum requirements, we have modified the Year 1 weekly timetable to accomodate for these changes. As you will see below, each session will have a compulsory learning component and an optional choice activity, marked with '👍' .

The weekly timetable will be sent out each Friday afternoon ahead of the new week, and all learning assignments will be posted by 5pm the day prior to learning to support flexibility with learning from home.

For consistency across Anzac Park Public School, Year 1 has transitioned to Google Classroom as our online learning platform. This is where attendance and class assignments will be collected each day. Thank you for your support in setting your child up on their new Google Classroom.

In addition to Google Classroom, we will be utilising the online platform Stile to present our learning experiences. Through this platform, students will be able to move through different components of a learning experience and respond in a variety of ways. Please see the tutorials below for support in accessing and using Stile.


To support your child's behaviour at home, Year 1 families have the option of incorporating 'Class Dojo Offline'. Through this approach, parents can award Dojo points to encourage positive learning behaviours at home. You and your child can decide on specific behaviours, attitudes and skills to award Dojo points to. Please see below for some resources to support Class Dojo Offline at home.

Please follow the link below for further advice and resources for parents and carers to support student learning when learning remotely.



This term, students will develop an understanding of the concept 'Literary Value and Authority' by studying a variety of classic texts recognised for their aesthetic value; the significance of their message; their historical value and the ways in which they innovate with technology.

Through a study of these rich texts, Year 1 students will learn that texts of literary value can be enjoyed many times. They will deconstruct a variety of texts at a text, sentence and word level to further appreciate their value, and compose literary reviews to support their reflections.

Students will engage in synthetic phonics (Sound Waves) to develop their reading and writing skills. In addition to this, students will continue to build their sight word knowledge through the Open Sight Words program.

Please follow the link below for some useful information supporting your child in understanding phonics:

HOME reading

Year 1 students are encouraged to read daily for a minimum of 10 minutes each day. This can be a combination of instructional home readers and quality literature. For helpful information on supporting your child during home reading, please follow the links below:



In Mathematics, Year 1 students will develop their mathematical skills through the concept of 'Comparison'. This concept involves identifying similarities and differences in numbers, measurements, shapes, objects and chance.

Students will be participating in project-based learning throughout Term 2, where they will explore mathematical concepts to support the growth of their herb garden. In Number and Algebra, students will recognise and order Australian coins according to their value, and use this to plan the cost of establishing a garden and selling produce. In multiplication and division, they will use groups and arrays to plan their garden bed and planting of their seeds. Students will consolidate their understanding of fractions when developing their final herb recipe.

In Measurement and Geometry, students will explore the months and seasons of the year to understand what produce will successfully grow. They will recognise two-dimensional shapes in the environment and use this knowledge when planning their garden bed. Students will measure the growth of their herbs using informal units, and investigate the mass of their final harvest.

In Statistics and Probability, students will explore chance by predicting outcomes of familiar events involving their herb gardens.


Concept - CAUSE & EFFECT

In Science this term, Year 1 students will explore living things through the concept of 'Cause and Effect'. Through this concept, students will understand the interactions and relationships between living things.

Students will participate in project-based learning as they unpack the question: How can we create a sustainable garden and use it as a food source? They will explore the external features of living things and develop an environment to support the growth of plants. Students will observe the ways living things change as they grow, and investigate the ways that humans use plants.

In your child's home learning pack, you would have received seeds, a soil pellet and a small pot. Please refrain from planting these until directed so by your child's key teacher.



In Creative Arts, students will investigate how artistic forms and elements can enhance enjoyment.

Students will respond by creating musical compositions that aim to entertain an audience. They will experiment with body percussion and musical instruments, demonstrating an awareness of musical concepts. Students will incorporate symbols to represent sounds and collaborate with their peers in the development of their final music pieces.

In drama, students will retell stories, depict events and represent feelings through the elements of drama. They will develop an awareness that experimenting with the different elements of drama can enhance their dramatic performances.



In Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, Year 1 will focus on developing the knowledge, understanding and skills important for building respectful relationships, enhancing personal strengths and exploring personal identity to promote the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves and others.

In Physical Education, students will be continuing to develop their movement skills by creating, following, repeating and altering movement sequences. They will demonstrate changes in speed, direct and movement using music tempo and rhythm as a stimulus. Students will apply this knowledge to construct and perform their own creative movement sequences.

Thank you again for your ongoing support, patience and flexibility as we navigate through the transition to learning from home.

Should you have any further questions, please contact your child's key teacher or the Year 1 Assistant Principal: cassie.hide2@det.nsw.edu.au