Women in Music Female Composers

Clara Schumann was married to a famous composer, Robert, but she was also known for music composition. She was also one of the greatest piano players of her time and was an influence on another composer, Johannes Brahms.

Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel grew up learning how to write and perform music with her siblings. However, when she was fourteen, her father told her that she had to focus on becoming a wife and mother in her life, not a famous musician. She still continued to write, but most of her music did not reach people past her circle of friends. Her brother, Felix, became a wildly famous composer. She has composed music and put her works under her brother's name because of his privilege.

Amy Beach was the first American woman to succeed as a composer of large-scale musical works. Like Fanny, Amy was very restricted when it came to publishing and performing her music- by her husband. During her marriage, Amy published music under her married name, Mrs. H.H.A. Beach. After her husband's death, she traveled to Berlin under her new name, Amy Beach, to present her compositions. When she came back to Boston, she wrote many pieces and performed tours. She wrote over 300 compositions.

Nadia Boulanger (L) was a French composer and teacher. Her sister, Lili (R), was inspired by Nadia to compose and her piece, Faust et Helene, was the first piece by a female composer to win the Prix de Rome in 1913. In 1918, Lili passed away and Nadia stopped composing music, but instead turned to teaching composition and conducting. She taught many famous composers, like Aaron Copland and Quincy Jones.

Sources :http://www.fannyhensel.de/hensel_eng/bio_frame.htm




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