~Earth~ by Bethany

The Earth is a wonderful place and did you know that it is 4.543 billion years old. How when it was made well first there was nothing then God made the Earth and the Heavens then he said let there be light and if you want more info look it up in genies 1 verses 1 and until Exodus so you can learn how the Earth came to be and another info The Earth didn't come by a big bang because it was made by God and no one else.

First it was like this Where the Earth didn't Exist neither did Heaven until he made them which the had no light or anything living at all an like i said before if you want to know n=more info you look in genies 1 Verse 1 till Exodus.

This was the Earth before light became in the world and before life existed.

This is the Earth when there was light the God deiced to make the sun come out in the morning and the moon to come out and night then he made trees and the river if you want to learn more info read it in the bible genies 1:1

Then He made flowers and plants and Fruits Vegetables and if you want more info then you read it from the Bible from genies 1.1

then he made animals and before sin came into the world all of the animals didn't kill each other they actually they ate plants and fruit but the animals didn't kill each other for food they where like friends and they never killed each other until sin came into the world but that's another time to talk about or look it up in The Bible.

If you want to know how the earth came to be then you look it up in the Bible. The End


Created with images by fortmyersfl - "#earth" • qimono - "earth globe moon" • Brad.K - "keep looking up" • snowpeak - "Milky Way, 240-second exposure" • Dreaming in the deep south - "Early a.m. beams of light - take two" • < J > - "Flowers" • tpsdave - "mule deer animal wildlife"

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