Open Dorms Why should we have more than two hours a semester?

Why is it that males and females cannot be in the same dorm room at Liberty University?

The answer is pretty simple...

Liberty University wants to prevent sexual interactions between unmarried couples!

It is not possible for Liberty University to track their students activities throughout the day, making this goal impossible to achieve; leading them to make strict rules like prohibiting coed interactions in dorm rooms.

An easy fix to this problem is requiring open doors at all times when a member of the opposite sex is in the room, just as the rules are for the "official" open dorm times.

The majority of students will be very "open" to this idea, especially if the idea was carried out past the scheduled open dorm times!

The result of permanent open dorms could lead male and female students having better relationships, and could potentially lead to more rings by spring!

Liberty University's Housing and RD's...

Help us out...

There are so many other solutions to this problem than completely prohibiting coed interactions in dorm rooms...

Solutions that would make most of the student body, if not all, much more happy!


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