Living a Life of Gratitude "it is not happy people who are grateful, it is grateful people who are happy".

I certainly hope nobody is tired of hearing the common theme of living a life of kindness, gratitude and service here in the 6th grade hallway. We are just getting started!

It is so easy to focus on the things that are not going our way, the feelings of never having enough, and keeping our eyes on the negativity in our lives. We are all guilty of this! Why do we automatically turn to the things that are not going our way? If we really stop and think about it, it's very easy to think of the things that are going "right" in your life. When we take the time, it's simple to find things in life that bring us joy. Why don't we ever take the time? I have found plenty of time for us to focus on the positive this week!

In no particular order....

Mrs. Comparato's "10 Reasons to be Thankful".

#1. My goofy family. They are the most important part of me.

#2. The sunrise and the sunset. The warmth of sunshine. There is so much beauty that comes from the sun.

#3. Baby toes! I love to kiss on little chubby baby feetsies! Aren't they the cutest?

#4. The smell of fresh baked cookies makes anyone feel warmth and comfort... and hungry!

#5. My right to vote. The luxury of living in the United States! If only we truly knew how lucky we are to live in such a great place.



I'm VERY grateful to have music in my life. Music is very important to me. Music has a way of connecting to my heart and can help a person go through the fun times, the rough times, the sweet times and the confusing times. I have an endless list of favorite music. I truly love ALL types of music! Here is a short list of some of my favorite songs right now...

#7 and #8. Hoodies and sweatpants. This is my favorite outfit, ever!

#9. My amazing friends. I am EXTREMELY thankful for all of the amazing friends I have in my life. I'm very fortunate to say that I have close friends from my childhood, my high school days, college roommates and teammates, co-workers, family members and neighbors whom I consider THE BEST friends anyone could ask for. I truly don't know what I would do without each and every one of them!

The most beautiful, genuine, trusting, honest, and goofy group of ladies I know! Love them all!

#10. My students. I'm so proud of how much we have focused on working to become a better "YOU" this year. The #HornetsDeliverGratitude group has brought so much joy to not just South Grove, but to the members of this community. Keep up the good work! I'm so thankful for the opportunity to make the world a better place with each and every one of you.

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A look back at our year, thus far! It's easy to remember the rough days we had, but when we focus on having a positive mindset, it's quite simple to remember all of the FUN we have had! I cannot wait to see what 2017 will bring for #MrsCompsCrew.

As I finish my "10 Reasons to Be Thankful" page, I feel a sense of positivity come over me. I'm so happy to have these wonderful photos to look back on and remind me of all that I have to be thankful for in life. I'm starting to think this may become a monthly activity for me. My list could go on and on. Health, photographs, the smell of rain, the first snowfall, laughter, the mountains... these are all things for which I am grateful. Stopping at just 10 was difficult to do!

Now, it is your turn. Start coming up with your list of reasons to be thankful. I'm so excited to see your lists! Check out this video for some extra motivation.

Created By
Megan Comparato


Created with images by PublicDomainPictures - "sunrise sky blue" • ponce_photography - "cookie dough raw cookie"

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