Around and About Florida's Gulf Coast — Jan 2017 STORY AND PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROBERT NEFF

Pass-A-Grille on St. Pete Beach

Female Brown Pelican
Male Brown Pelican
One foggy morning on Pass-A-Grille Beach

Maximo Marina, St. Petersburg

Pilot Boat heading down Maximo Channel for the Gulf. St. Pete Beach is on the horizon.
Residents lost a piece of Old Florida. The Maximo Seafood Shack was closed May 2015 to make way for the renovation that didn't start until January,
Maximo Seafood Shack was torn down to make room for a larger fuel dock.
A petition collected over 26, 000 signatures, but the out-of-state owners and IGY Marinas wanted the Shack closed.

Clearwater Beach

Beach Walk
Sustained winds were 20 mph with wind gusts at 40 mph. The winds were some of the fiercest ever scene outside of a tropical storm or hurricane,
The wind was creating sea foam. Many thought someone put bubble bath in the Gulf!
View from the new Wyndham Grand Hotel.

Enjoy more stories and images of what I get to enjoy everyday!

Purchase Robert Neff's Photography online at Saatachi Art, Adobe Stock Photography and Fotolia. If you see a photograph that is not there, let me know. I can add the image.

Venice, Italy

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Created By
Robert Neff


Copyright ©2016 Robert Neff. All Rights Reserved.

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