Life As A Dancer By: Brooke ODonnell

Proper Dress Wear

To do dance, you will need certain clothing to be able to be in the parade.For example,you will need to have black jazz shoes. The black jazz shoes come in handy when you need to match dancing partners also, it looks good with your clothes. For clothing, you will need a black tank top. The only reason you need a black tank top (sleeveless top) is so it can match with any costume you will wear.Another, type of clothing you will need is black shorts. The black shorts go under your costume.

one type of dance shoe is a jazz shoe

You Better Ccome

In speciality you need to go to every dance rehearsal or else, you can't be in the festival of trees or the South Glens Falls Parade. If you show up late to the rehearsal(practice) and you only have five minutes to dance, your dance teacher and her boss will decide if you can dance in the parade or not.Also, when you miss the rehearsal and come back the next rehearsal you have to sit out and watch everybody dance and have fun.That's why you better come to all the rehearsals.

You're in big trouble!

When you show up late, your dance teacher speaks to you and your parents get spoken at too. One time a girl got spoken to and her mom got yelled at. So you will never know what is going to happen.If I were you I would get to dance on time and make sure you are at every rehearsal.

Don´t get Miss Abby MAD


Recommend you to go to the Bolton Dance Academy(a place of study).I rate this dance company 1-10 a 10. I give it a 10 because the dance teachers are amazing they are so nice.This is why I gave the dance company a 10 and this is why I am recommending it.

I give this dance academy a gold medal

This shows how much I love dance.


Created with images by val_girl - "Dance" • PDPics - "medal award gold"

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