Copyright By Dan Grant, Evan Wang, and Jake McCabe

Copyright: is the legal ownership of works, such as music, books, pictures, movies, and even architecture. While copyright can be used to protect someone's ideas and creations, it can't be used to protect things such as names, slogans, or facts.

Copyrights last for the entirety of the author's life, plus 70 years. However, this wasn't always the case. Works that were created and published between the years of 1922 and 1978 are protected for exactly 95 years after their date of publication, while works published before 1923 are now public domain.

In most cases, a copyright is owned by the person who created/published it, but this can change for several reasons. For example, if an employee were to create and copyright something during their time working for a company, the copyright would belong to the employer Another example would be that if you found a book your grandmother wrote in her attic, you would not be able to copyright it unless the rights to the book were given to you, such as through a will or inheritance.

A license is permission to use a copyrighted work, given to someone by the copyright owner, and is usually paid for. For example, if I wanted permission to use someone else's work in a book I was writing, I would need to get a license to use the work by the copyright's owner.

Public Domain: Materials that are in the public domain are things that are open to the public and are not protected by copyright; the owner is the public. Anyone can use it without permission. Four ways that things enter the public domain

1. The copyright is outdated, expired

2. The owner of the copyright did not renew the copyright

3. The owner of the work puts it into the public domain; dedication

4: The law of copyright does not cover the item

Fair useĀ - when a person uses copyrighted work for a limited purpose. People can comment on, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work without the laws of plagiarism affecting the user.

Can use for: criticism, news reporting, teaching, and/or research

Creativity: The formation of original ideas. These ideas are original, but they can be based on the past, or other ideas. For example, Star Wars. Nobody ever thought of Star Wars before George Lucas, but people have thought of characters like a rogue scoundrel, a trusty sidekick, a wise man, a training chosen one, and a strong independent woman, but George Lucas put these ideas and more together to form the synthase that is Star Wars.

R-R-R-R-Remix: A remix is a mixture of an old song, to make it sound different than the original. This is plagiarism, unless it is approved by the artist or it is given credit. To be honest, most people like the original song better, and the remix usually does not change too much about the original song. Plagarism is taking soemthing and saying that you created it, when you did not. Remixing is taking something someone else created, still giving them credit, and making it different without altering it too much.


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