Classroom Inclusion how inclusion affects the lives of SPECIAL needs students

People often judge others because of how they look and act. In Out of My Mind, Melody is the person being judged.

Melody has a disability in the form of cerebral palsy. Her disability prohibits her from controlling her body other than her thumbs. This makes her seem like an outcast. In the book Melody is in a school where classroom inclusion hasn't fully taken place yet. Melody and her classmates have to stay in their room until they are allowed to include themselves with the normal kids. When inclusion classes occur and melody is able to join a normal class, a problem with school inclusion happens. The teacher doesn't know how to correctly teach the kids with disabilities so he doesn't include them.

Inclusion in schools benefits both students with and without disabilities as well as creating a more diverse learning enviroment.

The main form of school inclusion is normal classroom inclusion, where the special needs kids are put into classrooms with normal kids to learn what they are learning. This form is the quickest way to get in but slows down the entire classroom as they need to teach the new kids all of the program

Mainstreaming is another form of classroom and school inclusion that is opposite of the normal way.

Mainstreaming is a way to help kids coming into a school inclusion environment catch up to the education level of normal kids. This form helps equalize education between students and create a fairer school enviroment.

Practicing Inclusion can Change Children's lives

However classroom inclusion can be more destructive than helpful for some kids as they do not receive the education or attention that their need requires. This creates a negative environment for both the special needs students and the other students in the class as they are all being affected by the bad teaching.¬2013_Wenmei_Hill.jpg , , , , , , , ,

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