Spaghetti Tower Project

JCHS Blue Jays, Kalyn and Aly, working on a spaghetti tower for photo imaging on Friday, March 10th. Students in this class, taught by Mr. Walter, were given some small marshmallows, a handful of raw spaghetti, and told to create the tallest standing tower possible.
JCHS Blue Jays, Kalyn and Aly, working on a spaghetti tower for photo imaging on Friday, March 10th. Starting on their third layer of spaghetti, Aly supports, while Kalyn begins connecting spaghetti noodles.
JCHS Blue Jays, Kalyn and Aly, working on a spaghetti tower for photo imaging on Friday, March 10th. Kalyn supports the bottom of the tower, while Aly attempts to keep the second layer of the tower stable.
JCHS Blue Jays, Kalyn and Aly, working on a spaghetti tower for photo imaging on Friday, March 10th. With the second layer of the tower complete, Aly and Kalyn recuperate and attempt to find ways to make their tower even taller.

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