Merry & Bright How to capture those special moments this holiday season

The holidays are a busy time for everyone. There's the shopping, decorating, baking, visiting family and friends, parties, the list can go on and on. When, during all of that, are you going to find the time to take pictures of all the fun you're having? We all want memories of those little people we love, of the bright smiles and laughter, those special moments that make the holidays really shine. The answer is rather easier than it seems. You can take those pictures anytime!

Today, we are always connected. We have our phones and other smart devices on us most of the time. The cameras installed have become increasingly better and what better camera than the one you have with you. Just whip it out and voila! You have your holiday memories documented and ready to share with the world. This week, I'm going to give you some tips and tricks on capturing even better pictures with your camera phone to help you get great images on the go!

The picture on the left was taken with the camera focusing on the lights. The one on the right was focused on the child.

First, lets talk about how your camera sees. It will sense the light of the scene and adjust its settings accordingly. This generally works out well, but in some situations, its better if you tell it where to look. The above pictures are a simple example, and while not drastic, you can see what a difference it can make. Simply touch the screen where you want the camera to focus, and it will adjust its settings to get the best picture it can. Automatic cameras are smart, but they can't think for us! So, don't be afraid to experiment with where you'd like the focus to be on. For darker pictures of the surroundings, focus on the light. If you'd like to focus on the surroundings and not the light source itself, tap on whatever detail or person in the area you'd like. Sometimes, the difference will be extreme, and sometimes, not so much, but either way, it'll make your images be more of what you want them to be.

Details! Don't forget the details!

When taking pictures while decorating, baking, opening presents, laughing with your loved ones, don't forget the details. Don't be afraid to get in close and personal with everything from your ornaments to stockings and the people around you. Use your zoom, or just get close, but either way, details, details, details. Full sweeping shots of the room are nice, too, but those up close images create a warm and personal feel.

Up close and personal! Details make the pictures feel personal and inviting

All of these were taken on my camera phone in just a few minutes. Think of all you could capture this season to share with everyone in your life!

Here's a few ideas of pictures to capture for your memory book:

Icing the cookies

Paper storm after opening presents (bonus points if you can get under the paper flying everywhere for an unique view)

The kids trimming the tree

waiting for Santa

Toasting your friends at the party

The lights or a special ornament on the tree

bows and ribbons

up close of the presents

The kids beside the tree (looking up at the lights, or asleep beside it on Christmas Eve)

Snow against your window, or icicles hanging on your porch

These are just a few ideas out of hundreds of opportunities this season. Remember, to tell your camera where you want to focus, don't be afraid to get close, and always get the details!

Happy Holidays!

Created By
Diane Littlejohn


Round Door Images

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