Rhetorical Devices by: fuschia carter

Anadiplosis is a word that is used at the end of a sentence and then used again at the beginning of a sentence. Ex: life is what you make of it. It would only be great if you make it great.
Anaphora is repeating the same word or phrase in a the beginning of clauses, sentences, or phrases. Ex: Today I accomplished many things, Today I completed all my homework, and chores.
Assonance is when two or more words close to one another repeat the same vowel sound but start with different consonant sounds. Ex: The cat in the hat ran from a fat rat.
Epanalepsis is repetition of initial words at the end of the same clause or sentence. Ex: The queen is dead, long live the king.
Epistrophe is a word or phrase at the end of successive clauses. Ex: My little sister is such a little devil, she does everything in her power to ruin my life. Oh look here she comes speak of the devil.
Expletive is a syllable, word, or phrase put in the place of another word to fill a vacancy. Ex: Great! this is just freaking perfect, I just had to spill mustard on my homework.
Hypophora is asking a question and then answering it. Ex: what is today's date, oh right it's the august 3rd.
Litotes is a figure of speech consisting of an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite. Ex: No! your forehead isn't too big, it's just looks that way in the picture.
Metaphor is comparing two unlike things not using the word like or as. Ex: She is a bright and shining star.
Metonymy is a word or phrase that is used to stand in for another word. Ex: I shouldn't known better than to trust sally. You never keep your word. Sally never follows the rules, she doesn't keep her promises.

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