Tech Tip Thursday November 17, 2016

If you have ever wished for more diversity within the Microsoft fonts, that might be ANOTHER reason for you to try Google Docs instead! Google offers hundreds of font choices to use in your documents!

Here's how to find the fonts:

Open a Google Doc.

To access your Google Drive, go to and log in.

If you can't remember that address, you can always go to and click the 3x3 grid in the top right hand corner of your screen. Then, select Drive.

Click the blue New button to open a new Doc.

Open the Font Menu.

Once you are in the document, find and click the drop-down box that changes the font. Then, scroll to the bottom and click the option for More Fonts…

Add new fonts to your list.

Once you click More fonts... another menu with hundreds of font choices with appear.

To add additional fonts to your drop-down list, click the name of the font and it should turn blue and have a check mark next to it.

The newly added fonts should now be in the drop down menu for all of your Google documents!


Questions? Need More Information?

Laura Sprinkle - Digital Learning Specialist


Created with images by adactio - "Calligraphy" • velkr0 - "open" • the3cats - "fountain pens fountain pen filler" • wilkernet - "mouse device entry" • Irina_M - "birds turkey poultry"

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