P.211 T.45

Today I went on a mini scavenger hunt to find the secret book and the hidden silos.

I first found the hidden silos which was not as hidden as I thought.
I then found the secret book which I was thoroughly disappointed by. Finding the book sounded a lot harder than asking the librarian if you can have it.
I had no idea what to write, so I wrote this.

Both the book and the disc appeal to our pathos because they give us sense of pride for Clemson. When students and teachers add small gems like the book and discs, they remind us that this is our school and we can make or experience what we want it to be. In my opinion, this is one of the best way of delivering the message that we have to make the most out these 4-5 years. Also, like the person who made this tradition, we, the students, need to make our own footprints on this campus.

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