Lacking a Father: Mental and Emotional Health By: Cierra Pettus

The Camden County School board of Education should fund a father figure program because fathers are important to the mental and behaviorial structure of children.

The lack of a father figure can cause children to act out, but the father figure program will give them someone to look up to and show them the right ways to behave.

Not having a father figure can cause anxiety.

The lack of a father figure will cause children to be on edge...

and not having a father figure can cause trust issues and emotional instability.

Providing a father figure for children experiencing mental and emotional issues will help them become more confident and will also give them someone in whom to put their trust.

The father figure program will be a program that assigns a father figure or mentor to a student in need of one. The father figure or mentor will be a teacher that volunteers to participate and will not be paid to do so.

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Created with images by rolands.lakis - "Father and son" • fsHH - "child father teddy" • mdanys - "scream and shout" • Kris Mouser-Brown - "Don't make me angry" • M_AlPhotography - "Take out the pain" • Myriams-Fotos - "boy child sad" • annaharmsthiessen - "girl bear teddy" • blueMix - "child crying kid" • janeb13 - "students primary school village" • chin1031 - "a person hand father and son"

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