Reflection By laura macey

My name is Laura Macey I am a photography student at Itchen college. This website is to show my work from my photography project on reflection. In my project I wanted to look at reflective elements and techniques. The elements/ techniques I looked at where: puddles, lakes, false refection(copying an image and flipping the image to the revers side of the image to create a false reflection), the reflections of sunglasses, crystal ball reflective refraction, easel mirror reflections and collection of mirrors to use as reflective elements. In my work I took a lot of my inspiration from the following photographers and artists: Gavin Hammond, Daniel Kukla, Simon Bond and Simon Hennessey. This website is to act as a photo gallery of my work in this project.

Puddle Reflections:

This is my puddle reflection photography inspired by the work of Gavin Hammond.

Morning Lake Reflections:

Under the influence of Gavin Hammond and his puddle photography I decide to expand the watery surface area to lakes where I was able to capture stunning morning lake reflections.

Evening Lake Reflections:

Under the influence of Gavin Hammond and his puddle photography I decide to expand the watery surface area to lakes where I was able to capture stunning evening lake reflections.

False Reflection with Models:

When I saw how well the lake reflection shoot went and the effects of the refection's created. which gave me the idea of experimenting with falsified reflection. I decided to experiment with models first just the see the effects of false refection people. for this I also used a wind machine to take the attention off the models and more about the colours of the models hair. I then wanted to do this same technique with cars.

False Reflection Cars:

as the model false refection technique worked so well I wanted to experiment then with the idea of cars which in my opinion works just as well as the models false reflections.

Sunglasses Reflections:

This is my sunglasses reflection photography that was inspired by artist Simon Hennessey. Who looked at hyper realistic images paintings and drawings what look like photographs. I just wanted to do this from a photographical point of view which turned out to be great fun with really creative outcome.

Crystal Ball Reflective Refraction:

This is my crystal ball reflection photography inspired by the work of Simon Bond and his work with crystal balls.

Easel Mirror Reflections:

This is my easel mirror reflections showing obvious and hidden reflections, the mirrors edge effect as well as a painting illusion. inspired by the work of Daniel Kukla

Collection of Mirrors:

These images are my long rectangle mirror images. each giving different effects to the way the mirror has been used some give the appearance of looking through a blank frame. creating a the illusion of looking through something. Or by angling the mirror in a certain way to create an interesting reflection.
These images are my long oval mirror images. each giving different effects to the way the mirror has been used some give the appearance of looking through a blank frame. creating a the illusion of looking through something. Or by angling the mirror in a certain way to create an interesting reflection.

All Images are Copyright of Laura Macey 2017

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