2016-17 Portfolio Mia shepoka

I took Intro to Art to learn more about art, because we never had a lot of art class in my grade school. I was expecting to do some of the same thing I learned in grade school, but I also expected to learn how to draw more realistically so other will know what I am drawing.

The drawing strategy I learned the most from was space because I didn't know how to do it, but then i learned that you can't think of the thing you're drawing as an image.
My drawings have improved by other being able to look at them and can figure out who or what I'm drawing. For example I drew a picture of my friend Sophie (to the left) then later I drew a picture of Jade from my art class (to the right) and I can actually tell that the picture is of Jade but I can't tell the picture is of Sophie.
Chiaroscuro is a drawing with light and shading using charcoal.
All three of my self portraits get more realistic as you look at them. In my drawings I got better at drawing more realistically and in the last two drawings I got better at using charcoal.
I would like to redo these two drawings because I believe i could have done better and drew them more like what they were.
In the two pictures above I believe I have improved in my drawing ability, technical skills, and attitude. My drawing ability has improved by my drawing looking more realistic and like the people I'm drawing. My technical skills have improved by using charcoal by me being about to blend and transition easily, I still need to work on it a little more to perfect. My attitude has really improve because coming into the class I was not the best at art and I wasn't doing the best, but over the time being in the class I have began to trust and believe in my artisistic abilities.

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