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Paris - 17th & 18th October 2018

The time is fast approaching for the 26th Yourope Event Safety (YES) Group European Health & Safety Seminar.

The YES x MaMA collaboration is exciting and dynamic, with sessions tackling a variety of topics, which are relevant to the changing dynamics of the festival environment as seen in the 2018 season.

The recently updated programme, which now details all the sessions and speakers in attendance at this years event, is outlined below, and you can see that it is challenging, relevant and instantly applicable to the live events environment...not bad for a free-to-attend event!*

The programme takes place over two days (17th & 18th October 2018) as part of the MaMA Festival & Convention in Paris. Refreshments, lunch, programme resources and a delegates dinner on the evening of the 17th October are all included.

Day One - Wednesday 17th October

0930 - Welcome

1000 - Introduction to the YES Seminar YES Steering Commmittee

1015 - 2018 Festival Season: Challenges and Achievements

1145 - Coffee

1200 - Designing Experience using Ethnographic Insights : The Case of Outdoor Festivals. Jean-Christophe Paris (AKIANI Agency)

1330 - Lunch

1400 - Why change safety and crowd management if it works well? The physical, social and psychological issues with making changes to good security and safety measures. Morten Therkildsen (Roskilde Festival, Denmark)

1530 - Coffee

1545 Livecrowd:Taking Personalised Customer Service to the Next Level Ruud van Buren (MOJO) & Arwind Gajadien (BMCA)

1715 End

Delegates dinner

Day Two - Thursday 18th October

0900 Coffee

0930 Raising Standards in Safety & Security: Education & Training for the Event Industry : presentation of SAFE (European project) Malika Seguineau and Aline Renet (PRODISS)

1015 A round table discussion: What is the situation in Education and Training across Europe?

1100 Coffee

1115 3 years after Bataclan: A Panel session around the improvements and limits of the new security measures implemented against terrorism. Chaired by Pascal Viot (Paleo Festival, Switzerland) with Olivier Goudin (Safety and Security Director, Le Zenith de Paris), Steeve Fontaine (Security Director, Théâtre Mogador), Beatrice Macé (Festival Manager, Trans Musicales de Rennes Festival), Patrice Le Port (Head of Security, Trans Musicales de Rennes Festival).

1245 Lunch

1315 The Cost of Safety: How Much is Too Much? The financial implications of covering safety and security at a festival. A round table discussion with all of the group participants. The information from this will lead through to the MaMA panel in the afternoon.

1445 End

1500 MAMa Panel on the Cost of Safety (Please note this is in a different venue to the YES seminar) Chaired by Chris Kemp (Mind Over Matter Consultancy) with Henrik Nielsen (Roskilde Festival), Pascal Viot (Paleo Festival) and Jean-Paul Roland (Festival Director, Les Eurockéennes de Belfort).

Members of the group will also be given the opportunity to influence the content of future YES Group European Health & Safety Seminars as well as to develop a network of like-minded friends and colleagues.

*This collaborative seminar is an open event, which is free-to-attend for Yourope members (up to two delegates per affiliated festival + free entry to MaMA Festival & Convention) and costs just 75 Euros for non-Yourope members.

To book your place to attend, please click the link below:

YES x ESNS 2019

Eurosonic - Noorderslag, Groningen - 16th & 17th January 2019

Add this date to your diary... it is the much anticipated 27th Edition of the YES seminar to be held at Eurosonic-Noorderslag.

More details to follow, but booking is now open at the link below:

The YES seminar is managed by a steering committee from within the event and festival industry. These seminars are free to attend for Yourope members. For further information about Yourope membership, please visit

Since 2000, the YES Group has been at the forefront of event and crowded space safety in Europe.

For further information about any aspect of the YES Group or the YES Seminars, please contact:


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