Team Kitten AuthoR: Peter Van Etten

Did you know cats are exceptional jumpers? I think cats are better than dogs for various reasons.
First off, cats don't jump on you when you get home.
Second, cats wake you up in emergencies, like a burglar's invading, and someone's having serious medical problems.
Lastly, a cat can play with you anywhere, anytime. I know this because once, my Granny's cat, Josie, hopped up beside me and tried to play video games with me on Granny and Pappy's PlayStation 3 (I was playing Solo-Multiplayer mode, which is playing multiplayer alone).
Now you know why cats are better than dogs.


Created with images by Kapa65 - "cat female adidas" • SimonaR - "cat eyes view" • rihaij - "cat tiger cat domestic cat" • London looks - "Kittens!" • rihaij - "cat red mackerel tabby kitten" • Helena Jacoba - "Shimmer's kittens at nearly 6 weeks old"

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