Smart Signal Properties A Brief overview

Head Angle

Some signals may have an option to set the angle of the signal heads. This is intended to increase visibility around curves by aligning the signal's head to the left of right. Moving the slider to the left or right will set the signal in the view. This property is saved with the signal as long as it remains on the route.

Path Options

The path section will only appear on option panels of signals that are intended to guard junctions. This is how the straight path through a junction or set of junctions is determined. Click on the graphic icon to select the path that best fits your junction configuration. The icon in the image above indicates a left-diverging junction ahead of the signal.

Limited Speed Diverging Route

This option indicates the desired speed indication of the diverging route. By default all of the diverging aspects are Medium. Clicking this checkbox will upgrade the displayed aspects to Limited.

Advance Approach Aspect

This option allows the signal to display Advance Approach. Check this box if your route requires this indication.

Can Display Restricting

When a train is following another train that is past this signal, the signal will allow the following train into the block if a certain number of requirements are met including length of the block and distance between the train already in the block and the signal. This is an automated function and the signal logic will determine if restricting is safe to show to the following train.

Approach Lit

Some signals in the real world are configured so that they do not display their lamps when there are no trains in the block. This is typically an energy and lamp saving measure. When this option is checked an additional property will appear where a channel number can be input. This is to link several signals together so that when one is activated by the approach lit circuit, those on the same channel will activate as well. This is most often used where there is more than one track and each signal in the area must be active to avoid confusing the train driver.

Automatic Mode

By default signals function as if they are remote controlled CTC or they do not attempt to read the block ahead unless a train is approaching them. This option sets the signal to automatic; always reading the state of the block ahead whether a train is approaching it or not. This is useful for ABS or any other situation where automatic signals are required.

Unbonded Routes

This option will appear on 06 type signals only and is used to indicate that the diverging route (as determined by the path setting) is unbonded and therefore occupancy can not be determined by the signal. This is used on entry into a yard or siding or other similar situation where the signal should not block traffic if the area is occupied. This will cause the diverging aspect to be restricting regardless of track activity ahead.

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