Beat Out Bullying By: Kevin Duong and Souleymane Gaye

A bully knocks the books out of a fellow student's hands.

Kids are physically bullied in and out of school. About 3.2 million students are bullied every year which is a staggering number. This can lead to depression, ditching school and even suicide. Forms of bullying can include discrimination (against a certain race, sexual orientation, etc), physical harm, teasing, and spreading rumors. 67 percent of students think that schools don't handle bullying in an effective way and therefore, are reluctant to seek help from the school. Punishing the bully may not always stop the bullying as this will most likely anger them more and create more hatred toward the victim (dosomething).

A student reCeives a hurtful message from an anonymous student

Cyber bullying is more serious than you may think. 25 percent of all teenagers have experienced cyberbullying at some point in their lives. Cyberbullying is known to affect teenagers more than physical bullying. 28% of teens who were cyber bullied considered suicide as opposed to 22% who were physically bullied. What's also surprising is that 85 percent of the time, the bully knows the victim in real life. Cyberbullying can cause victims to develop agoraphobia, a fear of public places that may cause panic/embarrassment. However, cyberbullying can be more easily targeted than physical bullying as everything we do online is left as a digital footprint (CNN).

A coworker ruins the documents of a fellow worker.

Although it may seem uncommon, adults can experience physical bullying as well, especially in the workplace. Adult bullying can include ignoring, disrespecting, and bothering/negatively affecting you or your work. Similar to dealing with school bullies, people should separate themselves from the bully, take a stand (talking to them about what they're doing, and if all else fails, talk to someone such as your boss about the situation. Adults can also experience cyberbullying but this is usually resolved with a lawyer and court case (lifehacker).

How can we stop bullying?

There are many ways that we can stop bullying.

1.) Treat everyone with respect and try to find alternatives to release anger (stopbullying).

2.) Speak up to a bully or try to walk away and ignore them. If you see someone getting bullied, comfort/be nice to the victim (stopbullying).

3.) Talk to an adult about it and stay near kids/adults that you feel safe with (stopbullying).

4.) Don't give out your password to anyone and keep in mind about who sees what you post (stopbullying).

5.) Think about what you post online and ensure that it doesn't hurt/offend anyone (stopbullying).

6.) Get involved. Join a club against bullying (stopbullying).

Help donate to stop bullying in the U.S.

Created By
Kevin Duong Souleymane Gaye


Created with images by Wokandapix - "person homeless bullied" • Counselling - "woman desperate sad" • zzclef - "fight for the girl -HDR" • Clotee Pridgen Allochuku - "No bullies here!" • Wokandapix - "homeless lost bullied" • campdarby - "Anti-bullying" • One World Platform - "Predstava Virtualno je stvarno" • Pexels - "apple computer hands" • diego_torres - "heart rhinestones sand"

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