The Harn Layla Samman

With this specific piece of artwork, looking at it from a picture doesn't do it justice. When being up close to it, you can see how intricate each brush stroke is, and how difficult it must have been to actually paint the piece of artwork. This piece specifically gives off a very calm and relaxing vibe. You can just look at it and feel at peace. Being able to create a painting like this takes a lot of talent. Every piece of it flows with the next, which I find very impressive. The piece overall makes me feel very happy just by looking at the trees reflecting off of the water, along with the sunrise or sunset in the distance.

The way that the museum was laid out was very helpful to separate each exhibit. When going through the main doors, we were exposed to some very abstract art, that I can only describe as colorful. But as you move into other wings of the museum, you are quickly shown the other types of artwork that are presented. One hallway shows several photographs of ancient cities, while others show some of historical figures. Every wing is very open and easy to move around in, which helps to be able to really enjoy each piece of artwork. Overall, the exhibits make you feel very welcomed, as you don't fell crowded at all.

I grew up in a family that loved to travel. I was fortunate enough to be exposed to different parts of the world. One place in specific that I was able to travel to was Rome. This picture of the Colosseum, really touched my heart, because it brought back several memories that I shared with my family. Just by looking at it, it makes me feel happy and blessed that I was able to travel starting from such a young age. I don't think I will ever forget walking into the Colosseum for the first time and just admiring the incredible view.

This picture can directly show a fraction of the Good Life just by looking at the people in it. They are so involved in their culture. They are invested in the situation and are just there for a good time. They show the Good Life because they are happy with what they are doing with their lives, and seem like they feel satisfied. It helps me understand the journey to the good life because of the fact that to fully feel good about yourself, you have to be involved with those around you, and embody the person you want to be in the future.

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