Levina Teerlinc RENASCENCES artist

Three of Levina Teerlinc's most popular paintings. (top photo is Elizabeth I as Princess, bottom left photo is Miniature of Elizabeth I as Princess, and the bottom right is Portrait of a Girl.)

Born sometime between 1510 and 1520 in Bruges, Belgium.

receiving training from her father, Simon Benninck

leading artist in the School of Ghent-Bruges royal patronage of Henry, Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I, as well as prominent women such as Anne Parr, sister of Catherine Parr, Henry's sixth wife

Lived most of her life surrounded by art

patronage of Henry, Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I

Realism, her portraits were so realistic, and humanism the use of human emotion in the painting

It was painted for the royal family and was to be hung in the palace.Name Elizabeth I as Princess. Painted in The 16th century. Now at Windsor Castle. Royal Library.

This painting is of a young woman maybe in her late teens to twenties. The artist uses a lot of detail on the women's red and gold dress with puffy sleeves. On her head she wears a cap embedded with jewels over her red hair. Lastly she stands in a room with no windows and a book and drapes in the back.

I think that this piece is really interesting because of the use of detail to enhance the picture make it more lifelike and show texture.

In Windsor Castle. Royal Library you can also see it online

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