T3 Book Project: Elements of Fiction 6th grade T3 Book Project

Background Information

  • Book Title:
  • Author:
  • Genre:
  • Page Length


Where does the story take place? What background information does the reader need to know? Who are the main characters? Describe them!

Crazy Characters!

Rising Action

What important events happen leading up to the climax? Try to find AT LEAST 3 main events for the rising action. Include any internal or external conflicts that are key to the beginning of the story.


What is the turning point of the story? How does this event change the book?

The peak of the story!

Falling Action

What important events happen after the climax? How does the climax change the story or characters?


How does the story end? How do the conflicts in the story get resolved? What can we learn from this story based on the resolution?

Three Sentence Summary

Challenge: After going through the entire plot of the book, write a summary using three sentences ONLY. You must decide how to best represent your book in this limited space.


Created with images by ngernelle - "Nature" • Moyan_Brenn - "nature" • Alexas_Fotos - "play stone colorful smilies" • StockSnap - "finger pointing light" • Unsplash - "matterhorn switzerland mountain" • Mark Morgan Trinidad B - "Down Arrow" • stokpic - "hands world map"

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