The Great Gatsby By : Fidel Gutierrez Jr.


The Great Gatsby is about a man who fights his way from rags to riches, only to find that his wealth cannot afford him the privileges enjoyed by those born into the upper class. The central character is Jay Gatsby, a wealthy New Yorker of great determination.Gatsby is primarily known for the lavish parties he throws each weekend at his mansion in West Egg. He is suspected of being involved in illegal bootlegging and other activities. The narrator is Nick Carraway who is also Gatsbys neighbor and throughout the book, his best and only friend. Throughout all the unfortunate series of events , the search for love, power, and pride In the big city of New York is under the shadow of drama and complications.


Money and materialism clouds what is really important in life. Wether you were born rich or you were driven insane trying to become rich. The idea of having more and never having enough fogs out the idea of building true relationships with others. Finding what love really means is the universal truth behind happiness.

This theme is evident in the novel because for one, Gatsby spends large sums of money in the huge parties that he throws. He, however does not seem to enjoy them. He only wants the attention of one woman (Daisy). Also money can make people careless. Tom and daisy thought money could protect them forever thus having them behave "carelessly." Myrtle also believes money can make her life better, making her have an affair with Tom. After all, wealth is not the most important factor in life. With money does not come happiness or love. Although Gatsby knows many important people, only few come to to his funeral. Just with his life, wealth and power are now gone.

"It makes me sad because I've never seen such beautiful shirts before " (Fitzgerald 93-94)

Gatsby flaunting his wealth by showing off wardrobe.

"Gatsby bought that house so that daisy would be just across the bay" (Fitzgerald 79-80)

This shows Gatsbys immense wealth and his necessity to have Daisy

"That was it. I'd never understood before. It was full of money—that was the inexhaustible charm that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it, the cymbals' song of it. . . . High in a white palace the king's daughter, the golden girl. . "(Fitzgerald 103-106)

Gatsby desires Daisy the same way he desires money and wealth.


Tom Buchanan Is Daisy's Husband. He's wealthy and likes to flaunt it He is a strong tough man. He values his status and possessions

That's what I get for marrying a brute of a man, a great big, hulking physical specimen of a... (Fitzgerald 12)

The quote above is stated by Daisy, This certain characters wife. Such words and descriptions coming from a spouse surely explains the character of Tom.

Daisy Buchanan is Toms wife and is the love of Jay Gatsbys life. His dream girl and the drive of everything that Gatsbys does. He loves the idea of her even though she is merely a selfish, shallow and hurtful woman.

"Oh, you want too much!" she cried to Gatsby. "I love you now – isn't that enough? I can't help what's past." She began to sob helplessly. "I did love him once – but I loved you too." (Fitzgerald 261)

After explaining his love for her Gatsby is accused of wanting to much.


The Green light across the bay. The single green light on Daisy's dock that Gatsby gazes wistfully at from his own house across the water represents the "unattainable dream," the "dream [that] must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it" ( Fitzgerald 152-149). The goal was to reach a consensus of love with one another but Gatsby, haunted from the past was unable to relive that moment of the love he had of the "idea" of Daisy.


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