
What is Ruby ?

Ruby is a sport for persons who are strong and very heavy

Rules of rugby

With ruby you have to tackle the enemy, and get the ball and drag the ball on the other side of the field. On the left and right sides you can score 3 points in the left and right sides of the middle you can score 4 points and in the middle you can score 5 points. One thing you don't can throw the ball behind you.

How to tackle

You have to tackle under your stomach and wen you have been tackeld you have to drop the ball on the ground.


u have to wear tight clothes and a bit in your mouth for the safety and a helmet

Beach rugby ameland!

Beach rugby ameland in Nes is on 16,17,18 juni 2017 its a big event in the Netherlands

The End

Made by Niek and Micheal

Created By
Niek De Vries


Created with images by septembermess - "Rugby: Yachties vs Knights" • keijj44 - "rugby game high school" • paolo92 - "rugby sport ball" • Sandy Chase - "UNB Ironmen Rugby" • Abdecoral - "helmet sport futboll" • daumenscharuber - "ameland beach north sea" • Victor van Werkhooven - "Fietstocht over het Amelandse strand"

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