KIng vs burwell by: Yujia; Jamelt

King V Burwell is one of a few lawsuits that challenged the legal standing of subsidies issued by the IRS in state’s that use HealthCare.Gov

Side one: David King, the lead plaintiff in the Supreme Court case King v. Burwell, didn't want to buy health insurance.

Side two: Today, more than 20 million people have health insurance who didn’t have it before; no one can be discriminated against based on a pre-existing condition, and restrictions like lifetime and annual coverage limits are a thing of the past.

This affected the law because of the taxes and the challenged an IRS regulation.

The affected the culture of the country by holding up signs of states that would've been affected.

Affordable Care Act: Is the land mark health reform legislation passed by the 111th congress and signed into law president Barack Obama in March.

Justice Scalia quips that the Supreme Court has creatively the Affordable Care Act so many times that it should be nicknamed “ Scotus Care” not “Obamacare”.

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Justice Scalia quips that the Supreme Court has creatively the Affordable Care Act so many times that it should be nicknamed “ Scotus Care” not “Obamacare”.


Created with images by LaDawna's pics - "King vs Burwell - Rally in support of Obamacare - US Supreme Court" • Unsplash - "doctor dentist dental"

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