humanity one

It is said to love your neighbor.on sunday morning the sermon starts "who is your neighbor?" Is the man we label homeless others call a drunk is that a neighbor? is the prostitute others label a whore is she a neighbor? Is the single mother of five living on welfare is she a neighbor? Is the man that just got out of prison for selling drugs who could use some help is that a neighbor? is the mexican who came here for something better is that a neighbor ? Is the Indian that has the gas station that speaks broken english is that a neighbor ? Is the person who is just too lazy to work is that a neighbor ? Are the children dying in Syria are they neighbors ? Is the Muslim your neighbor ? Answer me this ? neighbor, what if this neighbor was a brother, or a sister, do you believe that would change any thing?

Not until we can learn to look beyond our fillers (personal beliefs, religion) and see that we Humanity is One, One creator, and we are the creation, my brother, my sister. we have a responsibility to humanity,not to just a neighbor,or the soul that sets next to you at bingo, or a soul of the same color, but Humanity! All of Gods much more tham One can you be? can we sacrifice of what we've got so the drunk, the whore,the one that dont speak our native language may have? there are so many that dont have and yet pocket change is all we have to give. or the golden rule of 10% Time now that is valubale, you do not get a tax write off for that or get it back.that some thing to think about...

I've been the boastful, the proud, the one who would take and never give, I've had all one could have and I,ve lost more than most will ever have.through the eyes of this world.And as I write this my living conditions are the lowest I've ever been,just got out of prison 90 days ago, trouble finding work, about $1000.00 behind in rent,no vehicle,very little food and very little people who ask "are you ok?" Alhamdulillah! thank you Allah,I will not say it could be worst,Im not going to compare my condition to a brother who seems to be doing not as well.Im going to be greatful for being alive and Im in my sound mind, I'm going to be greatful that today its not what Ive got, its who I am that gives me peace, I can sacrifice time because its all ive got, so its valuable to I can be a change, the change that I want to see in the world, REALITY...theres not going to be world peace, not even neighborhood peace, Reality? your black Im white, Im poor your rich, Im Muslim your christian, Im american your a third world country, we cannot look beyond...that hurts my heart.Im hungry I'll probably be homeless soon, and none of that hurts me like the way we treat each other.HUMANITY...

Its easier to understand then to be understood...May Allah give us all understanding.

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