Winter Block Party & Dark Charge Release Saturday, December 3rd

Thank you to the approximately 5,000 people that joined us for our second annual Winter Block Party & Dark Charge Release!

The line began at 6:30am and by noon, it was 2.5 blocks long. Checkout the video below!

All 6 variants and 2,890 individual bottles sold out in 3.5 hours!

But the party was just getting started! Outside, we had 4,000 square feet of live music, barrel-aged beer, coffee, friends and more!

Throughout the day, we had live music from Buffalo Wabs & The Price Hill Hustle, Noah Smith, The Tillers (pictured) and The Hot Magnolias. View more pictures by visiting Cincy Groove's Facebook page.
Fun for even our four-legged friends! Your friendly and furry reminder that our taproom is dog friendly.
Local beer, needs local food. Cuban Pete's, Empanada's Aqui and Texas Joe joined us. All three were out of food by the end of the day!
235 people "Pulled the Pin" and got to taste Dark Charge straight from the source -- The Bourbon Barrel. Even better, they got to keep the event glass. If you didn't get your glass at the event, you can still get it online by clicking on the button below. (Photograph courtesy of The Gnarly Gnome)

Thanks to everyone who shared the party on our social media channels using #LiftOneToLife

Follow us by clicking on any (or ALL) of the buttons below:
It wasn't just beer, we sold over 240 cups of coffee including our new batch of Bourbon Barrel-Aged Starter!

You can still get your Barrel-Aged Coffee beans at our online store. Very few remain, get yours now! Oh, and they make a great stocking stuffer.

But there was a lot of beer. Almost 5,000 pints to be exact. Cheers!

Thank you to all of our staff & volunteers for making this event a huge success. We couldn't do it without you!

From our Braxton Family to yours, THANK YOU!

Join our next Block Party by clicking on the button below. We'll see you at our 2nd Anniversary!


Rudy Harris Photography, The Gnarly Gnome

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