Cook Islands By: Younes, Aden, David, Aisha, Bana and Diogo

Ranging from 22 degrees to 30 degrees, the Cook Islands have a beautiful climate.

Te Manga

Te Manga is the highest point in the Cook Islands with a height of 652 meters above sea level.

This is the flag of the Cook Islands. The cross in the top left of the flag is called a southern cross. The southern cross is also on other flags like the Australia flag, the New Zealand flag and the Great Britain flag. They were by James Cook, a famous explorer. They are located in the South Pacific Ocean. Most of the people in the Cook Islands are Christians

This is Te Manga, the highest point in the Cook Islands as we mentioned before. Also as we mentioned before, it has an elevation of 652 meters (2139 feet) above sea level.

The Cook Islands consist of 15 Islands. The Cook Islands are located in the South Pacific Ocean. They are near New Zealand and Australia.

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