My Adventures Lisa Codner

In Bryce canyon, the Queens Garden is looking good
Hawaii is Beautiful
Wishin' sting rays could be pets
I would live in water if I could
One way to make yourself feel small...
Somewhere in the middle of Arizona
Horseshoe bend looks much better in person. You should go.
A 5700 foot drop is a long ways to fall.
Still a long ways to fall (Zion)
Grand Canyon
Bryce Canyon is a land for Fairies
3 types of weathers in 1 photo
GRAND Cayman is pretty colorful
The North Rim of the Grand Canyon is cold. Pack warm.
Dunns River Falls, Jamaica
Sting Rays.... Again.
Forever Travel Buddies. On a waterfall.
There's Bryce. Again.
Hawaii also has majestic trees.
and waterfalls along walls.
Montana is a prime spot as well. Bear tooth path is where to go!
There's waterfalls in Montana too!

That's all for the time being... Thanks for viewing


Photos by Lisa Codner

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