Art adventure By Kady (pin-chi, wen)

At first, I don't really know how to draw something realistic. In Taiwan our art class usually teach us how to make some easy handicrafts.
I am interested in comics and anime, so I only can draw some comic characters. I have no clue how to draw a real person.

After I joined this class, I break through what I have never tried.

I tried to draw things more realistic. This is the upside down drawing, that help us don't focus on the thing in the picture but focus on the shape that you look.
This is my hand Before and After. I tried to add more shadow and volue to make it pop out.
This is my Negative and Positive piece, Negative space is the space around or between the thing that your are drawing. Positive space is the main focus of a picture.
This is my Stippling and Scratchboard piece. The Stippling is drawn by dots and the more dots you draw in one spot the darker value appeared. The Scratchboard is the more you scratch the lighter color you get.
This is the Still Life piece. Draw something that you see. I think I didn't do very well in this piece, I only like the right down corner.
This is the 2 Point Perspective. Every line need to match to the point that you draw at first, distinguish the difference between wall and floor with horizon, and things disappeared at the vanishing points.

After all my practice, I am getting better to control the value then before. And something that I drew have pop out more, but sometime I also add too many lines in my picture.

This is my favorite part and also my favorite work. I love to design my own style Zentangle. It was always fun to create something new.
This is my first time drawing a realistic person, after practice eyes, noses, ears, mouth, it makes more easy to draw a whole face. I am so glad both of the picture looks more like real people not comic.
This is the Conceptual Art. Draw something like 3D words. But it is a little bit different. The picture of the value looks separate.
I am very happy to join this class, and I learned a lot of things like shape, value, design... And the biggest point is "Draw the thing that you see, not you think."

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