About my old school In JAPAN, Tokyo

I wake up at 5 : 30 every morning, and prepared to go to school. Then I think at 6 : 45, I ride a train. In the morning, it is very crowded. It takes 1 hour and 15 minutes to go to school.


My school located in Tokyo, Minatoku, but I lived in Kanagawa, so it takes long time to go to school. I have to change trains 3 times.

Ordinary in Japan, there are many kind of uniforms are there. This is my school uniforms. We have both summer and winter uniforms and we have to wear these uniforms in school.

This is my school badge.

This is my school. In my school, there are many facility, for example, English floor, Science floor and auditorium etc...

There are many clubs. These are the club list. I joined Ken-do club in this school.

This is my school schedule. At 8 : 15 , first bell belling so you have to go to the school before 8 : 15. There are 7 classes every day. Math, Japanese, Science, History, English, etc... I always ate lunch Bento in the classroom with my friends or cafeteria. We don't move class to class.


This is annual events in my school. In Japan, we have a sports festival.

Thank you !!

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