Music diary

Day 1

As we have been told we need to do a song for music using electronic synthesisers I decided that a good start-up would be having a nice bass to first introduce the music. Because of this, I decided to use smart-drums to create my bass . I have to say that at first it didn't sound very well, but later, I added a simple keyboard melody to know mo or less what I wanted, and it sounded great! I did all of this today in the bus, as I had to play Beverly Hills Corp.

Day 2

Today the day wasn't as productive as yesterday, I tried a lot of melodies to try to combine it with my bass but I couldn't find the right melody. I then also tried to use the electric piano, but it didn't work very well. I maybe will have to re-decide on my bass.

Day 3

Finally, I have been totally able to complete what I was going for! I didn't need to change the bass in any way, my first concept of what I want to do is a song that introduces new keyboards quickly but with rythm, the bass will get more intense as the song goes on and on, I am also considering on adding strings to my composition.

Day 4

Today I have added strings to my composition, for it to have even more accompaniment with the keyboards, I have also decided to add sound effects and possibly loops of which I consider a unique election using Chinese ones.

Day 5

Today I have finished the part A of my composition by adding two keyboards and finishing off with the strings. I have also started with the part B of my composition, using a more "funky keyboard" plus, a little addition of mine that makes it look like a chorus, the organ. I have also added smooth clavier to create sound effects in various parts to add more rythm.

Day 6

Today I finished with B and made it fit better with the bass, I have also added DJ effects on various parts, and planned to do C, I consider it should be like A but with different parts and without the strings, I have also decided first the bass will stop, then the secondary keyboard and finally the primary keyboard to add more effect.

Day 7

Today I finished the composition and also perfected the song, I am planning to put a D but I fear that could ruin my presentation. Today I also added the Chinese loop of which I have mentioned earlier. Anyway, my song is finally completed and ready to be played.


The end


Created with images by cocoparisienne - "piano keyboard keys"

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